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Fox Flash Oxidation Protein Footprinting System
GenNext has pioneered a superior, compact, cost-effective, and safe means of performing Hydroxyl Radical Protein Footprinting (HRPF) analysis by replacing expensive, complicated, and hazardous lasers with our proprietary Flash Oxidation (Fox™) Protein Foo
Basic Introduction:
GenNext has pioneered a superior, compact,cost-effective, and safe means of performing Hydroxyl Radical ProteinFootprinting (HRPF) analysis by replacing expensive, complicated, and hazardouslasers with our proprietary Flash Oxidation (Fox™) Protein Footprinting System in a convenientbenchtop format.
To address reproducibility challenges, GenNexthas developed the Fox Radical Dosimeter — the world’s first OH radical measurement system thatautomatically controls the generation of effective OH radicals in the face ofunpredictable and varying background scavenging. The Fox Dosimeter providesreal-time measurement of OH radical concentration, making it simple to detectproblems with biopharmaceutical solutions or assay conditions before massspectrometric analysis is performed, vastly improving HRPF ease of use whilesimultaneously ensuring labeling confidence and fidelity.
To eradicate present day bioinformatics and dataprocessing bottlenecks, GenNext introduces FoxWare™ Data Processing — a unique data processing program specificallytailored to aptly address and automate data processing demands of HRPF HOSanalysis.
Product Details:
FOX™ Radical Dosimeter
Precisely measure hydroxyl radicalconcentration
Superior reproducibility is achieved with theFOX Radical Dosimeter—the world’s first OH radical measurement system thatautomatically controls the generation of effective OH radical concentration inthe face of unpredictable and varying background scavenging. The Dosimeterdelivers near real-time measurement of OH radical concentration, making itsimple to detect problems with biopharmaceutical solutions or assay conditionsbefore mass spectrometric analysis is performed, vastly improving HRPFease-of-use while simultaneously ensuring labeling confidence and fidelity. TheFOX Radical Dosimeter is an in-line capillary UV photometer located immediatelydownstream of the FOX Photolysis System. Real-time photometric absorbancemeasurements during radical production are produced, enabling the assessment ofeffective hydroxyl radical concentration.
FOX™ Automated Product Collector
Automatically collect and deposit labeledsamples
The FOX Automated Product Collector is aneasy-to-use compact device that automatically collects and deposits labeledsample into designated microtubes, eliminating sample collection workload whiledelivering maximum product purity.
The Collector is controlled by the samesoftware program that also coordinates the functionalities of the Photolysis,Radical Dosimeter, and integrated microfluidics systems. This unified softwareeliminates the need to monitor photolysis processing time to insure propercollection of labeled product without undue introduction of unlabeled sample.
User selected product volume is preciselydelivered to collection tubes containing quenching solution, enablingreproducible and predictable quenching for each labeled sample.
FoxWare™ Protein Footprinting Software
Easily perform comparative HOS analysis
Present day bioinformatics and data processingbottlenecks are eradicated by GenNext FoxWare Protein FootprintingSoftware—specifically tailored to address the data processing demands of HRPFHOS analysis. Data processing of HRPF results can be agonizingly laborious. Upuntil now, researchers have been compelled to use a piecemeal approach,arduously stitching together results from multiple proteomics data analysispackages and manually manipulating data in home-brew spreadsheets. Further,while broad in scope, today’s proteomics data analysis products fail toadequately inform and fully address specific workflow, chemicallabeling/artifacts, and comparative study requirements of HRPF HOS analysis. Toaddress these shortcomings, GenNext Technologies introduces FoxWare ProteinFootprinting Software, the first commercial software exclusively tailored for
FPOP HRPF HOS data analysis. In contrast tobroad-based, multi-purpose platforms, FoxWare HRPF Protein FootprintingSoftware specifically and aptly addresses the data processing demands of HRPFHOS analysis. The software is completely compatible with both our FOX FlashPhotolysis and laser-based FPOP
HRPF studies. Intuitive algorithms enablingqualitative and quantitative comparative studies of HOS footprint inform andaddress key requirements in biopharmaceutical and biosimilar research.
FOX™ HRPF Accessories
Modules and software for lab-built HRPFsystems
For pioneering scientists currently employinglab-made HRPF instruments,
GenNext offers a series of accessories toaccelerate your research:
• Radical Dosimeter Module
• Product Collector Module
• Module Controller
• FoxWare Protein Footprinting Software
GenNext’s Radical Dosimeter and ProductCollector modules are specifically designed to enable convenient integrationwith existing HRPF setups. Their small footprint enables the Dosimeter andCollector modules to be easily mounted on optical breadboards directly in-linewith existing HRPF capillary systems. The Radical Dosimeter is placedimmediately downstream of the laser photolysis region and the Product Collectorreceives the terminal end of the system’s capillary. Under software control,our Module Controller automates the entire HRPF process for more reproducibleresults. The Module Controller coordinates the activities of all of yourGenNext components, including the FOX Dosimeter and Product Collector, as wellas your system’s laser and syringe pump. The near real-time dosimetry allowsusers to monitor effective labeling before MS analysis, saving time, money, andprecious sample. Each labeling experiment can be performed flawlessly withoutthe deleterious impact of uncontrolled scavenging or human error. After MSanalysis, labeling results and HOS can be evaluated in minutes with FoxWareProtein Footprinting Software.
Discovery Applications
Rx Binding Validation
• Orthosteric
• Allosteric
• Conformational Change
• GPCR cascade
mAb Therapeutics
• Epitope Mapping
• Paratope Mapping
• Affinity Determination
Conformational Analysis
• Confomer Detection
• Discrete Functional Analysis
Biosimilar Assessment
• Candidate validation via HOS
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AutoCal系统-Dynalog的先进水平校准技术,Dynalog是机器人单元标定技术的世界领导者。它的主流产品DynaCal 系统,被应用于离线的机器人单元校准,并作为最精确的和技术先进的机器人校准程序为许多机器人制造商和终端使用者所接受。AutoCal 系统将已证实的DynaCal校准技术结合到一个在线的全自动系统中,该系统专为程序控制和复原而设计的,价格低廉。