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Rainbow R6 In-Situ Fiber Optic UV-Vis Spectrometer
Basic Introduction: The Rainbow R6 provides concentration measurements in real time. It is the In-Situ UV Probe-Based Dissolution System. Removing delays between sample draw and analysis, the Rainbow R6 produces consistent, replicable results, whatever t
Basic Introduction:
The Rainbow R6 provides concentration measurements in real time. It is the In-Situ UV Probe-Based Dissolution System. Removing delays between sample draw and analysis, the Rainbow R6 produces consistent, replicable results, whatever the media.A sample measurement can be obtained in less than 5 seconds for each vessel, enabling unattended, extended assays. This provides the enriched data for very short sampling intervals required for immediate release formulations.
Rainbow R6 is an in-situ fiber optic UV-visible spectrometer equipped with a deuterium lamp light source and a diode array detector. It is highly functional, capable of accurately measuring real-time dissolution concentrations of compounds. The system features up to 8 independent fiber optic channels, providing high precision and reproducible concentration measurements.
Product Advantages:
In-Situ Fiber Optic UV-Vis Spectrometer for Dissolution, Absorption, Flux and Solubility Studies
Predict how a drug will be released in the body prior to animal studies.
Abandon or optimize lead compounds with confidence.
Sample measurement can be obtained in less than 5 seconds
Product Key Features:
The Software for the Rainbow R6
Pion Predictor: An enhanced data processing and management platform that allows you to analyze dissolution and flux data to get dissolution rates, precipitation kinetics, and predicted fraction absorbed ratio.
AuPRO: for data collection and refinement in research and development:A powerful analytical software designed specifically for the needs of early stage compound screening, and during pre-formulation and formulation development.
DissoPRO: for method development and quality control. A secure, traceable software package designed to address the needs of dissolution scientists and quality groups in highly regulated environments.
The Rainbow R6 is the core technology in Pion’s portfolio of dissolution solutions for:
Dissolution testing
Drug solubility
Dissolution monitoring - just add a small volume dissolution tester to your Rainbow R6:
MicroDISS - small volumes of 2- 20 ml
MiniDISS - biorelevant volumes of 100-250 ml
Absorption and Flux assays - just add FLUX apparatus to your Rainbow R6:
MicroFLUX using only several milligrams of sample for early-stage development where sample is limited
BioFLUX at biorelevant volumes (200-250mL) for late stage formulation development
MacroFLUX for a 900mL vessel of a USP II apparatus designed for use in formulation development based on standard USP dissolution setups
MicroDISS system consists of R6 and MicroSample Platform for studying drug dissolution behavior with minimal API quantities. Experimental volumes range from 2 mL to 20 mL.
MiniDISS system comprises R6 and miniDT small volume dissolution testers for physiological relevant dissolution curve determination. Dissolution cup volumes available in 100, 200, and 250 mL options.
MicroFLUX system includes R6 and MicroSample Platform, FLUX dissolution-permeation assembly for drug flux dissolution-permeation experiments with limited sample quantities.
MacroFLUX system combines R6 and standard 900 mL dissolution apparatus, FLUX dissolution-permeation assembly. MacroFLUX technology is compatible with various volumes of dissolution apparatus available in the market.
BioFLUX system integrates R6 and 500 mL dissolution cups from pharmacopeial standards, FLUX dissolution-permeation assembly. BioFLUX technology is also compatible with different volumes of dissolution apparatus available in the market.
Scissor N3 (or N6) is compatible with Rainbow B6 for in situ concentration detection in subcutaneous injection simulation systems.
因用于机器人各方面应用且与大多数机器人类型兼容,AutoCal系统可以检测出机器人自身构造和工具中心点(TCP)的 突然改变或偏离,并且该系统无需人为干涉就自动地更正这些误差。
AutoCal系统-Dynalog的先进水平校准技术,Dynalog是机器人单元标定技术的世界领导者。它的主流产品DynaCal 系统,被应用于离线的机器人单元校准,并作为最精确的和技术先进的机器人校准程序为许多机器人制造商和终端使用者所接受。AutoCal 系统将已证实的DynaCal校准技术结合到一个在线的全自动系统中,该系统专为程序控制和复原而设计的,价格低廉。
AutoCal系统提供在线的机器人校准方案,旨在快速和自动地保证机械设备的工作性能。因用于机器人各方面应用且与大多数机器人类型兼容,AutoCal系统可以检测出机器人自身构造和工具中心点(TCP)的 突然改变或偏离,并且该系统无需人为干涉就自动地更正这些误差。这意味着不用猜测哪里会出错,不用浪费宝贵时间在机器人程序重复校准上,产品品质无任何损失。
AutoCal系统-Dynalog的先进水平校准技术,Dynalog是机器人单元标定技术的世界领导者。它的主流产品DynaCal 系统,被应用于离线的机器人单元校准,并作为最精确的和技术先进的机器人校准程序为许多机器人制造商和终端使用者所接受。AutoCal 系统将已证实的DynaCal校准技术结合到一个在线的全自动系统中,该系统专为程序控制和复原而设计的,价格低廉。